Warning from the National Poison Control Center Regarding Acute Mushroom Poisoning
12. 07. 2018
An increase in the number of calls for suspected mushroom poisoning collected in nature has been recorded since the beginning of the current month in the Toxicological Information Section of the National Poison Control Center (NPCC) of the Military Medical Academy (MMA). Registered calls refer to 15 patients whose clinical picture has been initially of mild poisoning type, and the treatment has been continued at the competent health institutions (Uzice, Pozarevac, Loznica).
Only this week in the Clinic for Urgent and Clinical Toxicology of the NPCC MMA, two patients from the Negotin area have been admitted, who ate mushrooms collected from the wild. The problems occurred after a long latent period, or 12 hours after digesting mushrooms, which they thought were Caesar's mushroom, and it was the death cap mushroom. It is a severe mushroom poisoning and the necessary treatment measures have been taken. At the same time, four poisonings have been managed at the NPCC, and three patients purchased the saffron milk cap mushrooms at the market.
NPCC appeals to all who use mushrooms for eating as well as mushroom pickers to be most cautious, not to take this job for granted because the effects of consuming some types of toxic mushrooms can lead to life-threatening poisoning. Also, one should be careful when buying mushrooms at the market. The declaration should, inter alia, show the name of the mushroom and the breeder.
In the event of health problems after digesting mushrooms, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately because the results of the treatment are much more beneficial if the patient starts with the adequate medical care within 48 hours.
Additional information on poisonous mushrooms can be found at the link: http://www.vma.mod.gov.rs/savet-gljive.pdf
Only this week in the Clinic for Urgent and Clinical Toxicology of the NPCC MMA, two patients from the Negotin area have been admitted, who ate mushrooms collected from the wild. The problems occurred after a long latent period, or 12 hours after digesting mushrooms, which they thought were Caesar's mushroom, and it was the death cap mushroom. It is a severe mushroom poisoning and the necessary treatment measures have been taken. At the same time, four poisonings have been managed at the NPCC, and three patients purchased the saffron milk cap mushrooms at the market.
NPCC appeals to all who use mushrooms for eating as well as mushroom pickers to be most cautious, not to take this job for granted because the effects of consuming some types of toxic mushrooms can lead to life-threatening poisoning. Also, one should be careful when buying mushrooms at the market. The declaration should, inter alia, show the name of the mushroom and the breeder.
In the event of health problems after digesting mushrooms, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately because the results of the treatment are much more beneficial if the patient starts with the adequate medical care within 48 hours.
Additional information on poisonous mushrooms can be found at the link: http://www.vma.mod.gov.rs/savet-gljive.pdf